Keto diabetic success

Ketosis is restoring health to many with Type 2 Diabetes

I get so excited with each and every person who achieves weight loss success. But I get most excited when I see, time and time again, the stories of people reversing type 2 diabetes by using ketosis. Here is a story that Joanne just shared with me after taking my 7 Days to Ketosis Challenge. I couldn’t be more happy for her:
“In 2011 I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I was put on several medications trying to get my blood sugars under control. I changed my diet, exercised more (not enough!), & took my medication. My sugar levels were controlled but still too high. I was hungry & could NOT LOOSE any amount of weight. In January this year I reduced my carbohydrates to 50 grams per day. I lost 5 pounds after two months of working out & reduced carbs. Kinda depressing.
Then I saw the Low Carb Life Now post on Facebook about the Ketosis challenge. I had been looking at the ketogenic diet but just didn’t know where to start. Tiffiny sent me everything I needed to start. It was easy, & I started loosing weight very quickly. Now 3 months in I’m down 30 pounds. I feel great, have lots of energy and no more afternoon fog! My medications have been reduced & my blood sugars are GREAT! My doctor thinks next month I’ll be completely off my diabetic & hypertension medication!”
Keto diabetic success
Keto diabetic success